Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Home Privacy Policy Privacy Notice | Future Event 2025 MOBILE APPLICATION AND WEBSITE Version: 1.0 Evento Smart Solutions Event Organizing LLC (“Evento)”, “we”, “our”, “us”), is a UAE registered company under commercial registration no 770106, Evento follows strict guidelines to protect personal data and ensures compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations. Your privacy is important to us and maintaining your trust is a priority. This Privacy Notice informs you that information submitted by you or collected by Evento may be processed for the purposes below. Future Event 2025 is an event, organized by Evento to engage with technology providers and practitioners. Evento has developed this mobile app and related websites (together “App”). The App is provided to Future Event 2025 attendees. The App is provided to conference attendees, speakers and delegates to enhance their experience at the conference. The functionalities of the App serve to ensure the conference agenda across venues and days is easily accessible, with users setting reminders to ensure they don’t miss content they’re interested in through setting alerts, and with the App sending notifications for event workshops. In addition, Evento may send email confirmation and updates about the event. The App is also designed to provide tailored networking experiences and help all attendees to connect with each other. Users of the App will have the ability to share their products and services with other event attendees. The App will use user location to provide navigation services in mobile application. This privacy notice sets out what Personal Data is collected and how it’s used by Evento. 1. Personal data we collect and what we use it for In order to deliver the above purposes and the functionalities of the App, Eventosa will collect and use your Personal Data. We will collect information about you when you register with your personal details. To register we collect basic information such as your full name, the company you work for, your position and contact details such as your email or mobile phone. We use this information for the purposes of: • Authenticating you as you move throughout the conference. • Facilitate you sharing your contact details with other conference attendees, exhibitors and speakers by enabling parties to connect with each other. When you connect with someone, you will give people access to your contact details, with the explicit understanding that they can contact you further. Please when you connect with someone, please let them know if you don’t wish to be connected via a particular channel such as your mobile phone. Likewise, by downloading the App, you agree to respect other attendees contact preferences, and not contact individuals through channels unless, they give you express permission to do so. • Contacting you in the future about conferences that may be of interest to you. You can always opt out of any marketing messages sent to you. In addition, we will collect some personal data about you as you use the App itself. This will relate to information about which agenda items you were interested in, content you viewed, and who you connected with. We will also follow the conference spaces you check into, to that end your location data as it relates to auditorium spaces will be known to us. We may use this information to further understand how the conference attendees engaged with the content of the conference. We will use this information to evaluate the conference, analyze and develop future conferences, content and exhibitors. 2. How we might share your Personal Data We may share your Personal Data with Evento, affiliates or other third parties. We may need to do this: • Where we need assistance from third parties to grant you access to the App and facilitate posting of information, content and/or otherwise operate the App; • Where we have a public interest or legal duty to do so; • Where we have a duty to disclose to a competent public authority, government or regulatory agency where necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory compliance obligation, which the relevant Evento member is subject to or as permitted by applicable local law; • Where required to our professional advisers or consultants, lawyers, bankers, auditors, accountants and insurers providing consultancy, legal, banking, audit, accounting or insurance services to us; • To protect the health and wellbeing of all Evento employees, contractors, other workers and visitors; • To enforce or apply any agreements we have with you and your employer; • To third party suppliers and vendors, who we use to support our business, including but not limited to the operation, features and functionality of this App, and those who provide information technology and system administration services to us; and/or • We asked for your permission to share your Personal Data and you agreed. Please note: When you connect with another conference attendee, whether they are a presenter, speaker, delegate or exhibitor, you will share your contact details with the other person. This action will be taken to 3. How we protect and handle your Personal Data We use robust technical and organizational measures to protect any Personal Data we process about you. All personnel who have access to your Personal Data operate under strict corporate guidelines to ensure the protection of the data and compliance with applicable local data protection laws and regulations. We continuously work to identify and evaluate the implementation and use of technical and organizational measures to protect any Personal Data we process about you. 4. Data storage and access location We store and host your Personal Data within, United Arab Emirates. We will take all reasonable measures necessary and/or required by applicable data protection laws and regulations to ensure that your information is treated securely and in accordance with this notice and applicable laws. 5. Camera and Media Permissions for User Profile Pictures Our App may request access to your device's camera and media files to allow you to upload a profile picture. We use this permission solely for the purpose of enabling you to personalize user profile. By downloading the App, you agree not to use anyone else’s profile picture outside of the App, or to use it for any other purpose than to identify a delegate inside the conference. Your privacy and control over your data are of utmost importance to us. 6. How long does Evento keep your Personal Data Your data will be kept for a period of thirty (30) days, following the completion of the event, and thereafter, it will be securely deleted. We will not keep any information for longer than is strictly necessary and when we no longer need the information, we will securely destroy it in accordance with our internal policies or anonymize it. Should you require earlier deletion, you may discuss this by contacting us using the details set out below. 7.Your Rights Under applicable personal data protections laws and in accordance with Evento policies, you may have certain rights in relation to your Personal Data. These rights include right to access the Personal Data that you provided to or is being used by Evento in connection with the App. You may also have the right to: • Access: the right to access your Personal data by requesting this from us; • Correct: the right to rectify your Personal Data (add to or update/correct some of your Personal Data); • Restrict: the right to restrict the processing of your Personal Data • Notice: the right (in some cases) to be notified of any personal data protection breach; • Object: the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data; and/or • Withdraw consent: as applicable, the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your Personal Data. To assert any of the above listed rights to your Personal Data please contact us via 8. Cookie Notices We may obtain information about your general internet usage by using cookie files stored on your computer or device (“cookies”). Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your computer or device when you visit a website. They help us to improve our App and to deliver a better and more personalized service. We may use both “session” cookie and “persistent” cookies on the App. Session cookies will be deleted from your computer or device when you close your browser. Persistent cookies will remain stored on your computer or device until deleted.\ We will use the session cookies to: keep track of you whilst you navigate the App; keep track of your selections and if applicable prevent fraud and increase App security; and other uses. We will use the persistent cookies to: enable our App to recognize you when you visit; keep track of your preferences in relation to your use of our App; and other uses. Cookies we use We use Google Analytics to analyze the use of this App. Google Analytics generates statistical and other information about website and App use by means of cookies, which are stored on users’ devices. The information generated relating to our website and App is used to create reports about the use of the website and App. As mentioned above, we will collect information about your use of our App, to help us develop more relevant content and conferences. The cookies described below will facilitate this. Google will store this information. Google’s privacy policy is available at You can find more information about cookies and how to manage them at You may disable cookies by changing the settings on your browser. However, if you do so, this will affect your enjoyment of our site and we will no longer be able to offer to you a personalized service. How are third party cookies used? For some of the functions within our App we use third party suppliers, for example: • when you visit a page with videos embedded from or links to YouTube. These videos or links (and any other content from third party suppliers) may contain third party cookies, We encourage you to consult the privacy policies of these third party vendors on their websites for information regarding their use of cookies (please see more information below). List of cookies Google Analytics: We use Google Analytics to understand how our media campaigns work and how you interact with our Site in order to improve the user experience. Cookie, Reason for usage Firebase Analytics, Gathers user analytics data to understand how users interact with the app. Firebase Crashlytics, Tracks and reports crashes in the app for debugging and maintenance One Signal, Provides push notification capabilities, allowing you to send alerts to users Retrofit, For making API calls to fetch data from servers. Glide, Used for efficient loading and caching of images within the app Zxing, Enables QR code scanning functionality in the app ImmersionBar, Helps in styling and customizing the app's status bar 10. Contact and More Information If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Notice, please contact: 11. Contact and More Information Any changes we make to this Privacy Notice in the future will be posted on this App. Please check this App for any changes or updates. 12. Version and revision history 10/24/2023 Version 1.0 issued.